AER Analytics provides cutting edge interactive analysis for power generation companies, allowing them to see repercussions from changes in cost and reliability.
Brooklyn Coded is a forum for developers to congregate, co-operate, and exchange skills. It is used as a venue for experimenting with new meetup formats and teaching techniques.
Coclear delivers high grade interactive Carbon LifeCycle Analysis, allowing companies to easily view the environmental and financial impacts of their operations.
Competitive Advantage Research provides in depth analysis into political campaign contributions.
DecideNYC launched as a new election guide website in 2013 to provide as much information as possible to New York City voters.
ZEIT ONLINE is one of the largest and fastest growing offerings for demanding online journalism.
HelpNYC is a Spry-Group internal project in collaboration with Volunteer Match. The project aims to drive civic engagement by showing people what problems afflict their community and empowering them to make a difference.
Created in 2013, New York Energy Week is the industry’s comprehensive cross-sector, annual event series uniting the diverse sectors of energy.
Town Hall Project believes that every citizen, regardless of geography or party affiliation, should have the opportunity to speak with his or her representatives about the issues that impact them, their families, and their communities.
Type Network is a new model for type design, development, and licensing. They sell and exhibit exquisite type from some of the world’s leading type designers.