Erika Whillas from CoClear was interviewed by CORE Impulse, an organization dedicated to showing rising entrepreneurs coming out of Columbia University.
“CoClear is a New York consultancy that delivers interactive life-cycle analyses (LCA) of consumer products. Its primary aim is to help companies better understand their impact so that they can make better products.”
- Erika Whillas
Photo courtesy of CORE Impulse
In this interview she talks about the Life Cycle Analysis work that CoClear is doing for the enterprise. She has good news for everyone who is excited about sustainability, but has been wondering what the biggest corporate players are doing to help reduce the waste in their produce life cycle. More companies are hiring Chief Sustainability Officers and discovering that better environmental planning can reduce waste and inefficiency at every level. This isn’t just good news for our planet and our health, but can also affect the bottom line.
Over the past year, The Spry Group has helped Coclear establish a strong foundation for their bottom-up analysis that helps companies look at their entire portfolio of products and not just one or two flagship products.
“We initially imagined scaling as a purely web-based application. But we realized that, because there is so much discussion and data from various sources at a company that you need to gather, you need face contact. So you need a consultancy model: people-to-people communication to solve problems and make sure that everyone is happy with what outcome and data you’re working towards. That’s why we’ve shifted from a pure web application front to a consultancy that delivers through a web application. We also have ideation sessions for employees, and are trying to be a hub of sustainability initiatives for the company.”
- Erika Whillas
The Spry Group is always excited to see our clients reach higher and do better. We are especially proud to work with clients such as CoClear who aren’t just doing better business, but are helping business work toward a better environment for all of us.